An Eye on the Land
By Environmental Commentator
Robin Noble
Celebrating the natural world;
advising on its conservation.
Our planet faces undeniable climate change and biodiversity crises. Through writing blog posts, articles and books, giving talks and lectures, and connecting with relevant institutions, I hope to celebrate our World, highlight the dangers we face and outline positive ways we can safely mitigate their drastic effects.
About the Author
A bit about the background and experience that drives my passion for our planet.
An Eye on the Land
Regular posts celebrating the land, highlighting specific environmental issues and suggesting positive ways to help.
Published books
With an initial focus on the Highlands and Islands of Northern Scotland, my books are both personal and in-depth accounts of places I have known, loved and studied for decades.
“Robin Noble writes with passion, broad insight, and tremendous commitment…compelling to anyone with the least pride and ambition in the potential of Scotland’s nature and people”.
The late Simon Pepper
OBE; Director WWF Scotland
Talks & Lectures
I have lectured over the decades on a range of Highlands and Islands topics: geology and geomorphology, archaeology and history, natural history, land-use issues.
I am currently offering an illustrated lecture: “From the Far North to the Mediterranean-Lessons in Biodiversity”.
“Touch the earth”
Please adopt, watch, study, enhance and protect your corner of this precious planet…